Parent Engagement

Avoid confusion across the parent community with a single point of access and communication that includes individualised child data, as well as general information and home-school administration.

The child is central to the home-school conversation. Through Frog, schools can offer a rich palette of academic information to parents such as, insight into their child’s academic progress, workload and learning journey. 


How Frog supports Parent Engagement...


Benefits of Parental Engagement...



For Parent

Engage actively in my children's education by understanding what they are learning and finding ways to support them at home. Explore opportunities to volunteer as a helper, making my involvement with the school a positive and enriching experience.


For Staff

Targeted Messaging and Announcements with measurable effectiveness.


For Administrators

Manage all content and provide parents with access to analytics data, enabling insights into what engages them. Use messaging and the Frog App to maintain a partnership with parents and their child's progress through attainment, homework, etc..

"Parental engagement in learning has been shown to have a significant impact on student achievement, well-being, and success at school."

Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY)

How Frog supports Parental Engagement...



Imagine taking a Frog Site and making a copy of it for every user in a group, then having each copy named and shared just with that specific user. That's what our ePortfolio tool does. Schools are using ePortfolios for project work, digital planners, staff appraisals and many more solutions.



Communicate between school and home with the Announcements application. Teachers can send messages to students, their parents and carers and receive replies in return. All messages can be viewed in both the browser and the MyFrog mobile app.



Frog's calendar tool gives you the opportunity to manage school events, clubs and parent's evenings in a web-friendly interface. Calendars can be shared with everyone, or access can be limited to specified individuals. Events can be booked and users invited to them. All within the secure environment of Frog.



Frog imports all timetable data for teachers and learners directly from the EMS. With Frog's ease of use across devices, this makes displaying the timetable not just convenient but also a simple way to look up a learner's timetable.


My Child's Learning

This application summarises all FrogProgress judgements about your child. You can see at a glance how well your child is doing in each subject and the areas they are struggling with. My Child's Learning shows not only the judgements made but also provides any evidence supporting that judgement and resources to help your child improve.


My Child's Work

My Child's Work is the parent's view of Assignment Manager. It lists all the assignments for each of their children, organised by Open assignments, handed-in and closed. Parents can see when their child is due to complete an assignment by, what they have handed in and the teacher's marking.


Assignment Calendar

See all your assignments at a glance organised by the date they are due.



For parents, MyFrog combines access to your child's assignments, parent portal and messaging in a free app for Apple and Android devices. Teachers can set assignments and access the school dashboard.

Solutions built with Frog...

Using Frog's educational toolkit of features and functionality you can create powerful and flexible solutions that really enrich your daily operations. Out of the box you can benefit from a range of existing solutions - that have been co-created with schools - some of these are highlighted below...


Frog offers a comprehensive solution for creating and replicating newsletters, offering various formats, interactive polls, forums, and easy sharing of archive content.

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Club Site / School Club

Manage your club through a social media-style online space - but protected from the outside world.

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Pedal Prix

Pedal Prix is an annual human-powered vehicle race where teams compete in endurance events using custom-built tricycles, emphasizing engineering skills, teamwork, and fitness. And Frog has a microsite that helps your team prepare for the event!

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Schools are aligning uniform processes on a Frog uniform site, integrating QR codes, local stores, and paper forms. Parents can order uniforms, receive notifications, and pay online.

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Lost Property

A simple gallery your school staff can use to advertise lost items.

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The Frogs technology simplifies the application process for school volunteers, providing guidance on completing application forms, obtaining clearance, and completing necessary forms, making the process of volunteering at school more efficient and accessible.

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Frog offers a convenient online portal for school governance, allowing stakeholders to share information, vote, and apply for team membership, while maintaining secure resources and documents.

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School Trip

School Trip is a comprehensive solution for planning school excursion trips, allowing teachers to add links, files, itineraries, and parents to sign up. The Frog Site's photo gallery tracks the adventure and allows for later project revision.

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Wellbeing Hub

The wellbeing template provides resources, tutorials, and activities to improve school wellbeing, identifying issues, and identifying support options at school and nationally.

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Frog offers support for students transitioning from pre-school to primary or secondary schools, including virtual welcomes, familiarisation activities, forums, video walks, transition handbooks, and links to useful resources.

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School canteens in South Australia provide fresh, healthy food, celebrations, and coolers. Enhance profile, promote services, and engage learners through Frogs Canteen site and polls.

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