Student Agency & Voice

Empower students by integrating their voices and choices into the educational process. With Frog, students have the ability to influence their learning  and involvement in decision-making processes.

The platform provides opportunities for students to express their preferences, track their progress, and contribute to school-wide initiatives, fostering a sense of ownership and agency in their education.


How Frog supports Student Agency & Voice...


Benefits of Student Agency & Voice...


For Staff

School Councils and Student Voice portals are a great way to teach democracy and responsibility.


For Students

Share ideas, tackle challenges and create change by being active agents in their own learning. Vote for class representatives for student council.


For Admin

Help students take pride in their school by making them stakeholders and influencers to school policy. Use Frog to manage a school council and run elections for it.

"Student voice and agency are critical for fostering engagement and achievement in learning. When students are active participants in their educational journey, they are more likely to be invested and successful."

South Australian Department for Education, Student Voice and Agency Framework

How Frog supports Student Agency & Voice...



The Forms solution in Frog enables you to do everything from collecting surveys, student meal choices, NAPLAN options and reward nominations. You can set out a form any way you wish and all the submissions appear in its Data Viewer. The Data Viewer is its own mini-database, where you can search, filter and export all the information submitted.



A tool which makes gauging learner understanding a simpler matter, e.g. setting up a poll at the start of the topic to ask a simple question and base a discussion on the results. Polls are also useful for school elections or just capturing learner opinions as they provide a quick way of asking a multi-choice question and visualising the results.



Discussions with students online have been a powerful tool in a teacher's toolbox ever since the internet went mainstream, but getting students signed up on forums is fraught with risk. What is needed is a forum where a teacher can be the moderator and students can engage in peer discussions while being protected from the internet. That's where the Forum widget comes in, making it simple and secure to host online discussions.


Sharing Editing Permissions

When you create a Frog Site, it is private to you and you are the only one able to edit it. Through Frog's sharing tools, you can determine which individuals or groups can see your Frog Site and how much interaction they can have with it.

Solutions built with Frog...

Using Frog's educational toolkit of features and functionality you can create powerful and flexible solutions that really enrich your daily operations. Out of the box you can benefit from a range of existing solutions - that have been co-created with schools - some of these are highlighted below...

Student Voice

The Student Council at your school empowers students to take responsibility, participate in democratic processes, and celebrate achievements, fostering a sense of community and responsibility.

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House Site

The House site allows schools to adapt it for each house, document charity work, and celebrate wins, and can be managed by House Captains.

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School Library

Your school library Frog site provides students with access to library resources, including online portals, staff recommendations, and book reviews, promoting independent study and wider study skills.

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Class Gallery

An ePortfolio designed to showcase learner's art or photography and get peer-feedback. The class gallery simulates social media functionality using Site Timelines, Image Carousel, and Site List widgets. Learners curate their own galleries, interact online, and manage sharing in a protected environment.

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