Frog's Framework Planner helps you evaluate the use of digital technology at your school and for your school community.
By improving the use of your digital platforms, drawing that functionality together seamlessly in Frog, across all areas – will drive innovation in your school, save time, and raise aspirations, engagement and outcomes. The framework focuses on the four key impact areas that will make a difference in your school...
- Teaching and Learning
- Pastoral
- Community
- Management
Each of these areas is subdivided into specific aspects of those impact areas; helping identify key areas schools focus on, specifically when strategically planning, developing or addressing their SIP or SDP.
The Framework (as shown below) enables you to evaluate how you may or may not be using technology to underpin your plans to improve or develop these areas.
Using the scale 1 (Aware) to 5 (Transformational), you can plot where you think the school currently uses technology to support these areas and see your school’s priorities where further digital development would make these areas more attainable and benefit the school and engage its community.
An Alternative Use
Alternatively, many schools will use the planner collaboratively, asking members of the community to constructively review where the school’s strengths and areas of development are and determine which stage or what actions would be most impactful, potentially influencing and complementing the school's next SIP.
Insights from using the Framework
Frog's unique Framework supports you with a wealth of resources, from applications, widgets and a complete environment with tried and tested templates, used by other schools. You can review all these resources by accessing the Framework ‘spokes’ and previewing the templates, which are all ready to download and use.
Using the free customisable templates provided by Frog, schools can quickly and easily raise the profile of these areas, saving time, streamlining the process, and engaging with your school community.
If you would like to get further information or would like to begin the process of becoming a Lighthouse School please get in touch via the contact details below...
+44 (0) 1422 250800